
GLRC facilitates a variety of prevention programming throughout the Upper Peninsula, funded through various sources. Through this work, GLRC strives to reduce the stigma around mental health and substance use.

Communities That Care

GLRC coordinates several Communities that Care (CTC) coalitions across the Upper Peninsula. The evidence-based prevention model addresses risk factors for youth problem behavior and creates opportunities for youth to engage in the community. The mission is to unite community members to create a healthier, safer community for our youth.  Each CTC has several Work Teams that community members can take part in, including, but not limited to youth involvement, suicide prevention and fundraising.  

Delta County

Mackinac County
Dickinson-Iron Counties
Phone: 906-458-2627
Schoolcraft County
Phone: 906-286-0159

Prevention Services

NorthCare Network funds prevention services in various locations throughout the U.P. These are offered through various evidence-based courses targeting specific populations. 

Botvin Life Skills is a comprehensive training program for middle school students to promote mental health and positive youth development. The program reduces substance use, violence and other high-risk behaviors among youth by enhancing self-esteem, decision-making, problem solving and critical thinking skills. GLRC offers the training across multiple school districts.

Guiding Good Choices is a family program designed to build connections and help families apply skills in real life. It emphasizes strong family bonds as the key that motivates preteens in their path towards better health and education outcomes.

Prime for Life is for at-risk youth ages 14 to 24. This program is offered by GLRC through court systems, CPS, jails and schools. It is an evidence-based motivational prevention program to address substance abuse and behavioral changes.

Prevention Courses

GLRC staff also instruct and promote various other evidence-based prevention and gatekeeper courses including but not limited to:

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that teaches individuals how to help someone who is experiencing a mental health crisis. Individuals working for various agencies across the U.P., as well as community members, are certified Mental Health First Aid instructors.

Narcan training is offered through the CTCs and other providers. Contact your local CTC to learn how you to schedule a training in your region.

QPR (Question Persuade Refer) is a one to two hour course that is offered to adults and youth over the age of 12 and teaches the basic signs of suicide and how to help someone until professional help arrives. There are QPR instructors across the U.P. who are happy to provide the course to schools, businesses, organizations and groups.


