Updated 5/20/2020
In response to the Governor’s Executive Order “Stay Home, Stay Safe” GLRC falls into the category of an Essential Service along with other healthcare facilities and public health programs. We are committed to our continued care with our clients and will work creatively to offer accommodations for the use of tele-health services or tele-phonic connectivity when possible during the next three weeks of the Executive Order.
GLRC will continue to provide Outpatient Behavioral Health Services and Residential Treatment Programming at all of our locations throughout this time period. Our community support staff will stay engaged with clients to ensure that no one is disconnected from care during this critical period. We have implemented our COVID-19 mitigation plan and utilize universal precautions in all of our programs to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Our Access Center remains open and will help clients, families, and stakeholders navigate the resources available. Our Access Center can be reached by calling (906) 228-9696 Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Please know that we remain a resource for those in need during this challenging time. We will keep our website updated with changes in our system as they occur.
Let’s all do what we can to help each other and be kind to one another. We are resilient and our communities will come together as they have always done to support one another.
Greg Toutant, CEO
Updates on GLRC Services
GLRC Warmline
Monday – Friday
9 AM – 5 PM EST
Our peer recovery coaches are here to help! GLRC now offers a warmline for anyone who would like to talk. A warmline provides early intervention with emotional support that can prevent a crisis. The number is 1-888-906-0122.
Residential Services
Residential programs will continue to restrict visitation at this time to staff and medical personnel only. AA/NA meetings held at the program locations will be restricted to clients only and no outside individuals (i.e. closed meetings). Social detox services will remain open and accessible for those who have been medically cleared for such services.
Outpatient Services
Outpatient programs will continue to provide all services including groups with the option to call into group or connect via telehealth. This includes services such as:
• VA group
• SA groups
• 96th District Court Drug Testing
• community NA group at the administration office
Trauma Assessment services are being done virtually or by phone. Individuals have the option to call or connect via telehealth, where available, for their individual outpatient appointments.
Individuals entering the program will be screened utilizing the COVID-19 screening form and may be denied entry if symptomatic.
Offender Success, Prevention Services, Foster Care
Services will remain active and accessible. Staff will be working remotely and can be contacted via email or phone. Videoconferencing will be used as needed.
Ways to Give
In order to continue implementing the above safety precautions for an indefinite amount of time we are in need of the following:
• face masks
• cleaning supplies
• gloves
• gowns
• telehealth equipment (laptops, phones, tablets, etc.)
• Monetary donations will be used where they are most needed. This could be in the form of telehealth equipment, daily needs for individuals who may have to be isolated in the case of positive exposure to the virus, or supporting those in recovery housing who may be unemployed due to state closures of businesses.
If you are able to support us with either a monetary donation or any of the above items please contact foundation@glrc.org or call 906-523-9688. We appreciate your kindness through these uncertain times.
Helpful Links
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has set up a hotline to answer health-related questions about the Coronavirus. It is open from 8 AM – 5 PM every day of the week. The Michigan Coronavirus Hotline is 888-535-6136.
Tips For Social Distancing, Quarantine, And Isolation During An Infectious Disease Outbreak
How to Cope with Anxiety About COVID-19
What to Do When Your Child on the Autism Spectrum’s Routine Is Disrupted by the Coronavirus
40 Things to Do While You’re Stuck at Home Because of COVID-19
How to Explain Coronavirus to a Child with Anxiety
How to Talk to Kids About Coronavirus
Free Downloadable Children’s Book About COVID-19
Virtual Recovery Resources
• Narcotics Anonymous – www.virtual-na.org
• Alcoholics Anonymous – www.aa-intergroup.org/directory.php
• Variety of Meetings – www.intherooms.com/home
• Women for Sobriety – www.wfsonline.org
• Smart Recovery – www.smartrecovery.org
• Lifering – www.lifering.org/online-meetings
• Refuge Recovery – www.refugerecovery.org/meetings
• Variety of Meetings – www.12step.org/social/online-meetings
• Drug Addicts Anonymous – zoom.us/j/5034535944 (Monday 8:00pm Eastern)
• All Recovery – www.unityrecovery.org
• 12 Steps – www.12step.org/social/online-meeting-calendar/ Listing of online 12-step meetings on various platforms.
• Al-Anon Electronic Meetings – al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/electronic-meetings/ – This forum and recovery chat room for Narcotics Anonymous members features voice chat, Skype, and text chat meetings connecting people from around the world.
• Adult Children of Alcoholics – adultchildren.org – Phone and Online Meetings
• Bridge Club Virtual Meetings – www.jointempest.co/bridge-club-events – Meetings that are specifically focused on women and LGBTQIA+ folks who are sober or interested in sobriety.
• Families Anonymous Virtual Meetings – www.familiesanonymous.org/meetings/virtual-meetings
• The Temper – www.thetemper.com/online-recovery-meetings-groups/
• My Recovery – www.myrecovery.com/online-meeting/ – Online 12-step meetings
• Sober Grid – www.sobergrid.com – A free online social networking platform for people in recovery. Available in mobile app stores