Want to share your recovery journey? The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is partnering with Shatterproof to help you share your story and help end stigma.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that teaches individuals how to help someone who is experiencing a mental health crisis. It is an evidence-based program facilitated through SAMSHA. Through the course, MHFA will help trainees know how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and addictions.

Coordinated through a five-step plan, MHFA teaches one to assess a situation, select and implement appropriate interventions and secure appropriate care for an individual experiencing a mental health problem.

The Mental Health First Aid Action Plan

Why Should You Take It?

To Be Prepared

CPR/First Aid training prepares you for medical emergencies, MHFA prepares you for mental health emergencies.

Mental Illnesses Are Common

Each year, 1 in 5 adults struggle with a mental illness that is significant enough to be diagnosed, but isn’t.

You Care

Learn how to be there for a friend, family member or colleague.

You can Help

People with mental illnesses often suffer alone – Do your part to help reduce the stigma.

Register Now

Register for 2024 classes below. Registration is free, however space is limited for each course.

Mental Health First Aid

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