2022 LIVE Art & Word Individual Entry Your name Your email Confirm your email PARTICIPATION RULES: Please read carefully. By checking "Yes" below you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and agreed with the Live Art & Word Contest rules. Click this link to view rules: 2022 LIVE Art & Word Contest Rules YesNo I understand that creating content for the LIVE Art & Word Contest can be both therapeutic and triggering. I further understand that those receiving the entries are not crisis workers, nor are they licensed social workers. I attest that if I find myself in emotional distress, I will reach out to a trusted friend, family member, my therapist or other individual for support. I also understand that the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available at any time by dialing 988. (Veterans calling 988, please press 1.) I Understand A community partner has expressed an interest in having a semi-permanent showing of the entries into this contest. We do not have all the details at this time. We would like to have as many of the original entries as we can to display. Would you be interested in learning more, once we have more details? YesNo Home address: Phone number: County: ART INFORMATION Title of entry: Category: Visual artWord Medium used: Approximate size: Description: Please upload your artwork here. IMPORTANT** -Uploads must be under 8MB -Visual Art entries must be submitted in a jpeg format (no more than 3 images may be submitted) -Written Word entries must be submitted as a pdf or jpeg -Video or music clips Word entries must be submitted as mp4 or wmv files Entry Fees for the LIVE Art & Word Contest are used to help support and sustain LIVE@NMU, bringing suicide awareness to campus, engaging students in suicide prevention activities and teaching students how to LOVE (yourself), INCLUDE (others), VALUE (life) and ENGAGE (community). We do not want the Entry Fee to be a barrier for anyone to enter this important contest. If you are not able to pay, simply mark N/A below. If you have ever served in any branch of the military, there may be assistance for your Entry Fee -- please see below. You can pay your entry fee by clicking the following link and scrolling to the bottom of the page: www.greatlakesrecovery.org/live. Or send your entry fee to Great Lakes Recovery Centers, Inc., Attention: WESP, 97 South Fourth Street, Suite C, Ishpeming, MI 49849. I paid my entry fee the following way: WebsiteMailIn-PersonN/A We are partnering with the Oscar G. Johnson, VAMC, who is offering a free opportunity for a limited number of entries for individuals who have served in the military. I served in the military. YesNoN/A Your name Your email Confirm your email PARTICIPATION RULES: Please read carefully. By checking "Yes" below you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and agreed with the Live Art & Word Contest rules. Click this link to view rules: 2022 LIVE Art & Word Contest Rules YesNo I understand that if my submission is concerning to the contest committee, my school and/or parents will be notified. I Understand Home address: Phone number: Parent's phone number: School: Grade: 9th grade10th grade11th grade12th gradeGrade 13 County: ART INFORMATION Title of entry: Category: Visual artWord Medium used: Approximate size: Description: Please upload your artwork here. IMPORTANT** -Uploads must be under 8MB -Visual art must be in jpeg format (no more than 3 images may be submitted) -Written work must be a pdf or jpeg -Video or music clips must be mp4 or wmv files -If you have any problems completing this form, please send an email to wesp@greatlakesrecovery.org.